Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Those of you who know me and have lived with me know that I like Christmas. I like singing Christmas songs, I like Christmas cookies, I like the energy and spirit, and I really like decorating for Christmas. With that said, I'll admit my roommate and I did something many would deem inappropriate and put our "Christmas tree" up before Thanksgiving...
Now this weekend we headed into the kids' dorms armed with bulletin board paper, ribbon, construction paper, yarn,glue scissors, tape, and glitter to make some trees with the kids. They got pretty into it and made some pretty creative trees.

We aren't sure if more glitter ended up on the trees or on the kids...



  1. I like the tree. Glitter on kids seems appropriate, it shines them up. I hope your knee is healing well. I enjoy following your blogs and reading the full context of your Bible quotes, you choose them well. I hold you and ECM in my prayers. I'm truly grateful that yoour Mother gave me the URL for your blog.

    Rodger Peabody

  2. I don't know what is going on with Google. It has me misidentified. My name is definitely not Sean. Oh, as a further assurance of my identity, my e-mail address is
