Sunday, April 17, 2011

I now have two terms of teaching under my belt... this past week we had final exams and wrapped up the second term (of three). My over-achiever self still struggles some days with where I would like to see the children and what I would like to be teaching them, versus where we are. I can't teach them everything I feel like they need to know, and I wonder what is most important? What things will they really be able to use? Can I teach them those things with the few months I have remaining here? How do I make them see how important and useful reading and writing can be when all many of them have known is people who make a living by farming or selling things.
Writing poems for sponsors in the library with class five.

It's good to have a little break now to reflect on some of these things and hopefully come up with some new activities and approaches. My past few weeks have been filled with getting all the kids to write sponsor letters, writing exams, typing exams for teachers, tutoring for finals, normal weekly activities and bible studies, and good-byes.
When I first arrived there were four obroni girls around my age living here at the home. At Christmastime we said goodbye to Dana, a month ago my roommate Lauren finished her time here and headed home, and at the beginning of April Tawnee also headed back to the states having been here for a year. (Sorry this is starting to sound like a bad rendition of the book the kids loooove to read "There Were Ten in the Bed")
These girls were a great source of fellowship, community, accountability, encouragement, and numerous other things so it will be different. I've been here long enough to pretty much know how to get around and take care of things, but it is nice having someone your age to laugh (or cry) with about the situations that come up living in a different culture and working with fifty kids. God has definitely been teaching me about relying on him and trusting in him for everything and reminding me that he is in control since I've been here. Now I guess I'll see if I really trust in his provision. My faith isn't based on those around me, it's all God, he can help me to stand and continue on. God help me to remember you are all I need.

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