Things that have interrupted class this week at various times include but are not limited to:
~a trip to immigration
~torrential rains
~football matchs
~people coming to inspect the home
~and a snake hunt!
On Friday I saw my first snakes (not just one) since I've been here. I was turned writing something on the chalkboard and when I turned around my entire class was looking out the side of the building at the construction crew and a couple weren't even seated. I asked what's going on and they said there's a snake in the tree by the construction (they are working on building school classrooms about a hundred feet away from the activity center which I guess I could add to my list of distractions.)I went to look and all the construction workers were stopped working and throwing sticks,
lumber, and various other things up into the tree to try to get it down. After a short time the Black Mamba fell out of the tree and they proceeded to chase it around with poles... quite the sight they then proceeded to do this same thing with a second snake that was in that tree. But that was not all, later that day one of the older students came up to me with a live coiled up python they had found by the gate and wanted me to touch it... I wasn't quite as excited about that as he was.
Other experiences with nature and animals this week have included having a lizard run across my feet, seeing plenty of them around (see if you can count how many there are in this 1 picture Dana took),

escaping barking growling dogs, and wading through streams that are now up to our waists due to recent rains on a walk with the kids to the dam for a scavenger hunt.

In this picture with me is Felicia, one of the newest additions to the home.

She had a stroke a few years ago due to sickle cell anemia so she has very little use of the left side of her body and also doesn’t speak a lot of English, but she is a beautiful girl with a sweet personality and I am enjoying getting to know her.